
Past Travels

(after getting stuck off-course)

Let me start off by saying, that was the best food I’ve ever had in my life. I gained nearly 10 pounds, but it was totally worth it. My friends from Sweden (in the last post) came with us, and luckily they knew way more French. We went to Chamonix, which is some big-time ski resort in the French Alps for the most hard core. I spent most of my time skiing on the same black diamond run, humming “Fireball”by Pitbull the whole time. But one time, Jonte decided that it would be cool to go off-course. I thought it was a terrible idea, but he went off and of course I followed. We were right on top of the mountain, and it was one of those runs where you really should stay on the path so that you don’t die. Of course, I got stuck two feet deep in the snow, and more than 50 feet ahead of me was Jonte who got stuck too. We were both totally screwed, and I was the one who managed to help him out 30 min later. Fast forward to New Year’s Eve. Some teens invited us to their cabin in the mountains for a New Year’s Eve Party, and of course my family and I were the only Americans. And of course, they were Swedish. That night, I finally gave up my vegetarianism. I became a vegetarian as a bet to prove that I could do it for a year, and it had gone on for nearly two. And besides, how cool would it be to say that the first time I ate meat again was at a party in France with a bunch of Swedes in the alps? Anyway, next time you find yourself in France, buy yourself some damn macaroons and crepes and don’t give a crap about all the weight you will gain. Kay? Kay.

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